mercredi 13 avril 2011


My home-office in the attic has been a project in progress
for the last two years. The quotations I received for the 10-step staircase
have been mind-boggling. So over the last weekend I built it myself and...
Ahah! My staircase is neither rackety nor too bad looking.

Now I am ready to take on the room. The walls need to be plastered and the electricity straightened up. The phone works fine. And the window garden is its saving grace.
For now, I am dreaming about the final look.

I like formal offices.

Black and white rooms are okay.

Maybe something pretty?


(Photos courtesy of Better Homes and Gardens)

dimanche 6 février 2011

New Project

Perfect inspiration for our second bathroom upstairs.
Having all appliances and utilities on one side gives a streamlined look.

Another colour palette and style which matches our general black & white and brown theme.

Those white enamel buckets and waste-bin look perfect for a small room.

mercredi 6 octobre 2010

Azure Blue and Chocolate Brown

Our home is mostly brown.

Brown walls. Mahogany, teak and rubberwood brown.
Brown cushions. Brown shelves.
Wood carvings.

Brown Brown Brown.

And they say the easiest way to lift the doom and gloom of brown
is to bring in the colour of the skies and the deep blue seas.

Azures, sapphires and aquamarine.

The eclectic living room

The formal dark and sombre bedroom enjoys a touch of silverish blue

But I love this whimsical bedroom
reminiscent of Van Gogh's painting
hung above!

Now this combination might just work
in the kitchen - I will be inspired to get some cooking done.

These drapes, reminiscent of a blue Victorian dress.

samedi 4 septembre 2010

Our kitchen

Come into our kitchen

Our fridge magnets

Our dining table

dimanche 29 août 2010

Mirror mirror on the Wall

Just as I step into my sanctuary...

My side of the bed...that's Coke in ice.

A little painting just outside the bathroom we got for a song...

My new bathroom, mandi serum sanctuary

Our staircase

dimanche 15 août 2010

Our home

Entrance to our home

My writing desk

Books...and then some

Iman's writing desk

A teenager's room - no doubt

Ilena in my bedroom

Ikesha next to the Agatha Christie section
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